Friday, February 27, 2015

Life is Fragile

What is the parenting? What's the difference between right or wrong? Everyone has different morals, so there isn't a definite difference between right or wrong. It can only be based off of someone's morals or values. Parenting is based off of those morals. Don't eat that, don't do that, don't touch this, pay attention, don't draw on the walls! What's right and what's wrong?

When I think of the typical American family, I think about Full House and Boy Meets World. These are two of my favorite older TV shows. I would compare parenting to these two shows because I believe the parenting is portrayed in a manner that is approved by America families. Children learn from their mistakes and teach not only themselves, but their parents as well. The parental figures in these two shows are relatable and accepted by society. In relation to my family, I couldn't have asked for better parents. My parents taught me to be responsible and respectful. If I made a mistake, I took responsibility and learned from the situation. I don't think of myself as a rude individual; I like to be friends with anyone I meet. My morals are similar to my parents, but I have independent morals of my own. That's what makes me different from my friend or my sister or my mom. I wouldn't have wanted my parents to teach me about life in any other way. The words are indescribable to how appreciative I am to have them as my parents.

The Walls family is nothing compared to my family. We never ran away from problems and my parents watched over me. Jeanette's parents care so dearly for their family and love all their children. Love is what every child wants. The problem with her parents are that they don't watch over the children. They are running for who-knows-what and tell their children things that should never be said to a child. For example, Jeanette's mom told her she was a replacement child for her sister that passed away. What? I would never say anything like this is my child and no parent ever should. Her parents are responsible in the sense of teaching them and helping them, but irresponsible in what they teach their children. Kids copy every single thing. 


  1. Tara, I could not agree with you more on your post. I as well appreciate what my parents do for me. They work so hard to give me a great life and a simple one, unlike them as a child. They always told me to be respectful and to be nice to everyone whether they're not nice back. It feels good to have caring parents that will always love you!

  2. I enjoyed your take on the Wall family and how they parent their kids.
