Thursday, February 19, 2015

Writing About Writing

When I am assigned a four page paper for my first writing assignment in my first college writing class, I thrive to do well. I don't remember having to write a four page paper without an outline for what each paragraph requires. It was difficult to not be repetitive, but I think I accomplished the goal of my first college writing paper.

Before writing, I went over each topic I wanted to cover for the paper. I spilt up different thoughts for each paragraph and then elaborated with  more detail and evidence when I was actually writing the paper. I read over my page a lot for grammatical errors and incomplete thoughts. I don't think writing is my strongest point, but I have been told that I am a good writer. This was very shocking to me because I would never consider myself a very good writer; decent maybe. What I usually think about when I'm writing, as I can say fro most people, is if it grabs my reader's attention and flows throughout the paper. I want people to enjoy my writing and not think it is dull. I think the most important aspect of a paper is the author's opinion. I believe that it gives the paper more character with the author's input on a certain subject. Personally, writing my opinion is the easiest part of any paper and I like being able to provide my own point on a certain topic. My motivation for writing a paper are my feelings along the way. I think that going outside your comfort zone and adding in some personal feelings help get across your point to the reader. My feelings are my inner strength. I like to be able to include my thoughts and feelings; that is my strongest point when writing.

Even though writing is not the most exciting thing to me, I do enjoy writing when given an assignment. I think it is important to know how to write, but everyone has their own way of writing. That's what makes writing so unique.           

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your post. I agree 100% with you on how putting your thoughts and feelings into your paper make you feel like your paper is stronger and makes you a better writer. Also I know how hard it is to do a paper with not being able to do an outline as well. It is always good to strive well and I hope you did do well!
